Friday, November 25, 2005

Hooray for the Holidays!!!!!

Come on, everybody! DOWN TO THE MALL!!!!!! YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Travel Italy said...

Sounds like you are really not happy in the US. I have made significant sacrifices to come back leaving considerable opportunities and seen the good and the bad. High taxes. Religious right. Strung our on drugs left. What is my alternative???

5:57 PM  
Blogger The Gambino Crime Family said...

Actually, I live in London but honestly, I'd be bitter and angry no matter where I was (see my upcoming post "Thanks Mom and Dad!!!!).

And I really don't hate the suburbs... much. Hey, I've got several friends who live in the suburbs and let me tell you, I don't hold it against them. If they want to live a life of total compromise, well, this is America, no? And I'm not saying we should make it illegal or anything like that...

So where should you live? Paris? Sunny, sunny Spain? Canada? I don't know. I always had this vision of Italy being this wonderful land of fine food and beautiful women, so where do you go from there? It's a stumper.

5:11 AM  

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