Thursday, March 02, 2006


So anyway, now that support for the war is down into the low 30s, I've just one thing to say to all you people who chortled so merrily at the French not so long ago. Come on, you pansies, take that dress off and get with the program.

I'm sick of hearing of you guys whine about how Bush lied about the WMDs. Really, who cares? For the last twenty-five years, I've had to listen to you guys bloviate on and on about how America is the toughest hombre on the planet and how it was her duty to "take names" and "kick ass." Or sorry - to "take some names!!" and to "kick some ass!!"

Pardon... Those were your words, weren't they? Well, there are the quote unquote "ragheads," they're burning the American flag and it's time somebody did something did about it! Right? Isn't it time for you guys to march on down to the recruiting offices and sign on up? Show us spineless liberals how it's done?

Really, the question you should be asking yourself right now is WWRD? What would Rambo do? He wouldn't be moaning on and on about some supposed quagmire, that's for sure! And listen. Cock your ear and listen real closely. Across the Atlantic. It's the French. And they're laughing. Laughing at YOU.

And burning down some McDonalds.


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